A Centennial Today, and a New Book!

August 24, 2022, marks the 100th anniversary of Philip Van Cise’s roundup of Denver’s Million-Dollar bunco ring, which marked the end of Lou Blonger’s criminal empire. It’s a date we’ve been anticipating for so many years that it almost slipped by without noticing. Luckily, some important news jolted us into action. Colorado journalist Alan Prendergast, […]

Sadie Redmond

We’ve spilled a lot of ink over the years trying to determine the true identity of this woman known as Kitty Blonger. Was this prostitute, who informally took the Blonger name as a hooker in their employ during the early 1880s, also Sam’s second wife Sadie Wilson from the early 1890s? Both women appear to […]

Criminal Records Podcast

If you are intrigued by the idea of getting a pretty succinct overview of the Blonger story in audio form, please check out a new podcast episode in the Criminal Records series: Criminal Records Podcast: Lou Blonger (libsyn.com) “In a follow-up to our episode about one very slick criminal, we’re taking listeners through a tour […]